Wiki CoSurgery?


Palm Coast, FL
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Good Morning - I am receiving denials for code 62165 endoscopic pituitary tumor excision when my ENT and a neurosurgeon bill as cosurgeons stating co surgeons not warranted. Anyone having to appeal these and if so how are you appealing to get reimbursed. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Was it performed as co surgery? Cosurgery is when one surgeon performs the first part and the second surgeon performs the second part of the same procedure. Typically seen with an anterior approach for spinal procedures. It would be extremely rare for an endoscopic procedure to require this type of treatment. Was this a rare case, or something so unusual this this was absolutely the only way it could be done?
CoSurgery ?

I don't hink this is unusual they do these together all the time. I don't believe the neurosurgeon has the endoscopic experience.
Then it cannot b billed as cosurgery. What does the note say? For cosurgery you must have two independent notes from each surgeon detailing their individual part and indicating at what point they handed off or received the patient. Do you have this kind of documentation?