My doctor is reconstructing a patient's correctopia using sutures. I have looked at CPTs 66680 and 66682 and these do not seem to encompass what the provider did. Do I need to use the anterior segment unlisted code, 66999? This section of the op report is in blue text
The pupil was mechanically stretched to determine optimal placement of pupilloplasty suture. Two additional paracenteses were created inferiorly. A 10-0 polypropelene suture on a long curved needle was passed through the paracentesis to engage the iris inferiorly and docked to a 27 gauge cannula at the second paracentesis to aid in exit from the anterior chamber. A loop of the proximal suture end was retrived from the anterior chamber using a Condon snare. The loop was used to make a four throw-sliding not and reposited back into the anterior chamber to reduce the pupillary aperture. A second suture was passed more peripherally in an identical fashion to close the resultant iris defect. The pupil was then mechanically stretched to determine optimal placement of a superior pupilloplasty suture. An additional paracenteses was created superiorly and the main incision flared internally. A 10-0 polypropelene suture on a long curved needle was passed through the paracentesis to engage the iris inferiorly and docked to a 27 gauge cannula at the main incision to aid in exit from the anterior chamber. A loop of the proximal suture end was retrived from the anterior chamber using a Condon snare. The loop was used to make a four throw-sliding not and reposited back into the anterior chamber to reduce the pupillary aperture. The pupil was noted to be reduced to a good diameter and be with reasonable centration and shape. Wounds were hydrated and the residual viscoelastic was removed in its entirety.
The pupil was mechanically stretched to determine optimal placement of pupilloplasty suture. Two additional paracenteses were created inferiorly. A 10-0 polypropelene suture on a long curved needle was passed through the paracentesis to engage the iris inferiorly and docked to a 27 gauge cannula at the second paracentesis to aid in exit from the anterior chamber. A loop of the proximal suture end was retrived from the anterior chamber using a Condon snare. The loop was used to make a four throw-sliding not and reposited back into the anterior chamber to reduce the pupillary aperture. A second suture was passed more peripherally in an identical fashion to close the resultant iris defect. The pupil was then mechanically stretched to determine optimal placement of a superior pupilloplasty suture. An additional paracenteses was created superiorly and the main incision flared internally. A 10-0 polypropelene suture on a long curved needle was passed through the paracentesis to engage the iris inferiorly and docked to a 27 gauge cannula at the main incision to aid in exit from the anterior chamber. A loop of the proximal suture end was retrived from the anterior chamber using a Condon snare. The loop was used to make a four throw-sliding not and reposited back into the anterior chamber to reduce the pupillary aperture. The pupil was noted to be reduced to a good diameter and be with reasonable centration and shape. Wounds were hydrated and the residual viscoelastic was removed in its entirety.