Wiki Correcting claims


Andrews, SC
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Wrong ICD 10 codes (accidently) entered on patient. Also not all charges entered on patient (professional charges). When coder discovered the error the biller stated the claim had already been billed and a claim correction could not be submitted. I disagree. This patient needs encounter coded accurately and all charges captured to meet medical necessity and more. The attitude is a "wait and see" what happens. I disagree - if an error has been discovered it needs timely correction. I think we should file a claim correction - 1. for the patient and 2. ensure diagnostic codes meet medical necessity for tests and procedures done. Any advice and/or direction is greatly appreciated,
My experience with claims corrections is that you have to wait for claim to be processed after submission-then submit the correction with the processsed claim # on the correction. If you submit a correction before original claim processes you will get a duplicate claim denial.