Wiki Correct Coding For Doppler Echo - Technical Component Only


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OK, so my doctor laid one on me that is not common in the normal practice, but he did the technical component only of a Doppler Echocardiogram.

I had billed this to Medicare as a 93306 with a TC modifier.

This got rejected and the LCD it referred to - referred to care in a nursing home??

I double checked my coding, I submitted 93306-TC. Now I did notice 99306 is Initial Nursing Home what gives here? The ER even shows my coding as 93306-TC, not 99306.

Did I code correctly for the Doppler Echo...technical component only?
This is what I thought.
Before I coded it, I called a local cardiology office where I have a friend on staff, and confirmed my coding to be correct before I submitted it.

The claim went to Medicare.

I will have to contact them about this claim.

Now, the other one we had strange (and I have the coding at home, so I won't post that here, I'd like to see if someone else matches what I came up with) What would be the correct coding for Technical Component Only - Carotid Doppler?