Wiki Correct Codes for Stents?

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I have a new Dr. I am coding for in our practice and I am trying to correctly code his procedures. Example:
Angio Renal RT & LT selective
RT common iliac artery; stent
Intervention on LT renal artery; stent

We only have one other dr. that uses these codes so I have rarely had to code anything other than the coronary stent 92980. Can anyone help? Thank you!!!!:confused:
I have a new Dr. I am coding for in our practice and I am trying to correctly code his procedures. Example:
Angio Renal RT & LT selective
RT common iliac artery; stent
Intervention on LT renal artery; stent

We only have one other dr. that uses these codes so I have rarely had to code anything other than the coronary stent 92980. Can anyone help? Thank you!!!!:confused:

Your question is complicated, so the answer may be as well. As simply as I can anwer, it depends on the level of detail in the diagnostic report and the intervention that followed. The codes you should take a look at are, in no particular order:

36245 (x2 or x3)
All of these require specific documentation so may or may not be appropriate code selections.

HTH :)
I agree however that is how it is written in the op report for procedures done,very confusing however we do have another dr. that I am now coding for and he uses these stent codes too so I will need to get use to them. Thank you for your help!!! Gail Davis, CPC