Wiki Correct Code for Suture Removal??


Mingus, TX
Best answers
We are having a hard time getting payors to consider suture removal? What am I missing? What would be a diagnosis code that would make a difference? Any advice I welcome. Thank you, Brandy Blue-Smith
Dx code

V58.32 would be the DX code to use. If your provider did repair/ procedure and it is within 10 days for a simple procedure / 90 days major procedure than it is part of the global package and no payment would be made
Would v58.32 be ok to use as a primary diagnosis? like if the Pt returns to ER for suture removal a couple days after laceration repair. In the book it states that it can only be primary dx if the patient is Medicare. Can anyone shed some light? Thanks
V58.32 can be primary for any payer, the diagnosis is not dependent on the payer it belongs to the patient and the payer has no say over what the correct diagnosis is.