Wiki converting BA's to OS in exam??


Jacksonville, AR
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PLEASE provide any clarification that you can on this.

Under exam, 1995 guidelines, for a comprehensive (8) I understand you must do organ systems, correct?
If they say abdomen, can I convert that to GI? I know definitley no 'double dipping' as far as counting abdomen and GI twice for two, can only count as one, but if it's documented as a body area, can I convert that to the organ system? Chest - (whether they talk about pulmonary or heart) would be either respiratory or cardiovascular, abdomen - GI....Head - musculoskeletal, etc. (??)

For example:
Constitutional: General Appearance: healthy-appearing, well-nourished, and well-developed. Ambulation: ambulating normally.

Psychiatric: Insight: good judgement. Mental Status: active and alert and normal mood. Orientation: to time, place, and person. Memory: recent memory normal and remote memory normal.

Head: Head: normocephalic.

Eyes: Pupils: PERRLA. Lens: clear.

ENMT: Ears: no lesions on external ear.

Neck: Neck: supple and trachea midline.

Lungs: Respiratory effort: no dyspnea.

Cardiovascular: Neck vessels: no JVD.

Abdomen: Bowel Sounds: normal. Inspection and Palpation: no tenderness, guarding, masses, rebound tenderness, or CVA tenderness and soft and non-distended. Liver: non-tender. Spleen: non-tender. Hernia: none palpable.

Musculoskeletal:: Extremities: no cyanosis or edema.

Neurologic: Gait and Station: normal gait.

Skin: Inspection and palpation: no lesions or jaundice. Nails: normal.
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