Wiki Contrast during heart cath


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In order to bill 93458, am I interpreting it correctly that contrast is not required but if it does, its included?

Meaning that as long as the providers document LV pressures then LV gram with contrast is not necessary to bill for 93458?
In order to bill 93458, am I interpreting it correctly that contrast is not required but if it does, its included?

Meaning that as long as the providers document LV pressures then LV gram with contrast is not necessary to bill for 93458?
Yes your right.
Yes your right.

So if a provider just documents " left ventrivulogram or Left ventriculography was then performed" is that correct documentation for a left ventriculography? I had the understanding that they should document or mention the injection of contrast in their Op note as well.

I know a ventriculography cannot be done without contrast but we aren't to assume anything, so they should document the injection, right?? sorry just trying to make sure documentation is correct.