Wiki contracture of small finger extensor after ORIF of small finger

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Are the following ICD-9 codes correct for the above scenario:

718.44 - contracture
V54.12 - Ortho after care, lower arm
905.2 - Late effect of fx upper extremity

It appears the contracture developed as a result of the small finger ORIF.

contracture after ORIF

718.44 this code is use for contracture due to tonic spasm, fibrosis, loss of musculature equilibrium ir disuse atrophy.

V54.12 (aftercare code) is use when the fracture condition is not healed and still exists. This code is limited to follow-up care during the healing or recovery phase of an acute fracture.

V67.4 this is for follow up visit for healed fractrure.
Do not report fracture condition that is healed and no longer exists.

905.2 Late effect