Wiki Contract coders, Multiple specialties and E/M


Port Isabel, TX
Best answers
We are seeking certified professional/physician coders with a minimum of 3 years coding experience in their specialty to work as independent contractors.

We are interested in expert E&M coders and several other specialties including surgery, ortho, neurosurgery, radiology and anesthesia. You must be a CPC or CSC-P with 3 years of hands-on coding experience and reside in the United States. You will be required to pass a competency review and coding audit and maintain 95% coding accuracy.

Interested parties should submit their resume, email address, list of certifications, number of years CODING and specialty (please specify E&M if applicable) to: No phone calls please.

Thank you and have a great day! Please note: The email address is new and may not yet be active for you fast responders;) If you receive an "undeliverable" reply, please wait a day and resend. thanks! BA
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I own a small company in Billings, MT and would love to hear about opportunities for my company. We do E/M, cardiology, radiation oncology and family practice. I personally have been coding for 15 years. If interested in conversing more, please contact Thanks!:)
Asc coder


I have sent an e-mail to the response for contract coders, I have my CASCC -worked in the past as a contractor and for free-standing surgery centers, as well as hospital outpatient.

I look forward the hearing from you soon!

Florence Marsico