Wiki Contact with/exposure to coding

Lynda Wetter

True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
Glen Allen, VA
Best answers
Would like some opinions...
Statement on record reads " Patient has new sexual partner uses condoms." Do you think that justifies V01.6.... PT came in for STD testing, or would you give V74.5?

Thanks in advance.
I would code V74.5 because my interpretation of V01.6 is that the patient had "contact with or exposure to communicable disease". I think the screening code is the way to go.
Hope this helps!
Great, thanks. Thats what I was thinking too.
Medicare wont pay either way I'm sure but just wanted to confirmation of my thought process !! :D
Our providers frequently use 994.9 for exposure. I am trying to give them a better alternative - the V01.0-9. ICD-9 states not to use if there are signs and symptoms, and these codes are not designated as PDx... If the patient only came in to request testing because of confirmed, documented exposure to an STD (for example) and is symptom free, are there any other codes that would be appropriate? My guess is that insurance won't pay the V01 range. :confused:

Maybe I missed something, where in ICD does it state that V01 cannot be a PDX? We use it and get paid in the office setting.
Are you billing ofr a hospital?
I'm in an office setting, using the AAPC ICD9 manual. The have a little notation next to V codes that can be used as primary, the V01 codes don't have that. I know it is not fool proof, and that all payers are different, so I am excited to know that it can be used as primary, and that folks are getting paid! Thanks!!
I'm in an office setting, using the AAPC ICD9 manual. The have a little notation next to V codes that can be used as primary, the V01 codes don't have that. I know it is not fool proof, and that all payers are different, so I am excited to know that it can be used as primary, and that folks are getting paid! Thanks!!

Those notations indicate those codes are first listed only allowed. Codes with no notations can be used either first listed or secondary. Also the coding guidelines will instruct you as to which V codes are first only and which are second only.