Wiki Consults


Haydenville, MA
Best answers
We have two doctors that are in the same practice and same specialty. Dr. A did an inpt consult at the request of the admitting md upon admission. The patient was in the hospital for a long time. The patient developed a totally new problem and dr. B was requested to see patient. We billed consults for both doctors and the second one is being denied by medicare. I know that doctors from the same group cant bill more than one consult during same admission, but does it matter if there is a totally knew problem?

Thanks for the help
Consult x 2

Unfortunately only one consult per admission per provider/group even with a new problem.

Michele R. Hayes, CPC, CPMA, CEMC, CGIC

Per the guidelines, only one consultation should be billed per admission.

However, I do not know of any rule or reason why the second provider should not bill an appropriate inpatient level of service (99221-99223), supported by the documentation for the service provided.