Wiki Consults without patient present PLEASE settle


Carlisle, PA
Best answers
Hi all,

I'm at my wits end. I cannot find the answer to this. I know there have been posts on this subject but no one seems to agree. Can someone tell me what is the proper CPT code for a consult between a doctor and parents WITHOUT the child present? I've read that it's in the series of 99241-99245 consult codes. Then I'm told it could be the series Office/Outpatient E/M code (99201-99215). Please advise.
Consultations need to meet the 3 R's. Request (referring physician requests an opinion), Render (Consulting physician renders an option) & Report (consulting physician types up a written report of the findings and send that, and the patient, back to the ordering Physician) A patient or family member requesting does not count

If it does not meet the criteria for consultation above you need to stick with Office visit codes. I believe its only Medicare that requires the patient to be present