Wiki Consults/Medicare


East Providence, RI
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:mad:As you all probably know, Medicare will no longer be reimbursing for consults. Does anybody have any documentation from Medicare that I could pass on my physicians?? Any info will help...Thank you in advance..
I don't know that anything is available yet. We had a meeting with Palmetto last week and the rep told us they are still waiting for the official notices to come from CMS so that they can get the information out to the providers. If anyone has heard differently, I'm curious to know as well.

I know that here in NY, Medicare posted the 2010 fee schedule and the consultation codes are not on there...:(
Yes I noticed the same thing on our 2010 fee schedule. They are definelty not on there, but I was hoping to find something on the website stating why they are discontinuing these set of codes. Unfortunetly Medicare has not finalized anything just yet. I am going to continue to check the website. I will post anything new that I find... thanks
There is a lot of info out there. Quite a bit on this forum. Search for things like "2010 proposed rule" or "elimination of consult codes".

Laura, CPC, CEMC
Right now, the best place for information is the Federal Register. AAPC will have an article in the January issue of the Coding Edge.

The 2010 fee schedule doesn't have the consultation codes listed any longer.

Many of the publishing companies are putting things on their web sites as well; you could check in on some of those (Ingenix, Coding Institute, HC Pro, Decision Health, Contexo, etc.)

List serves and forums such as this are extremely helpful too.