Wiki Consultations


Lancaster, TX
Best answers
If Physician A refers a patient to a Scoliosis clinic for treatment and Physician B sees the patient. Physician B states that the patient is fine and does not need treatment. He then send a letter regarding no treatment to the referring physician. Could physician B bill for a new consult visit? Physician B only consulted and gave the referring physician feed back. He did not take over care.

If Physician A refers a patient to a Scoliosis clinic for treatment and Physician B sees the patient. Physician B states that the patient is fine and does not need treatment. He then send a letter regarding no treatment to the referring physician. Could physician B bill for a new consult visit? Physician B only consulted and gave the referring physician feed back. He did not take over care.


This sounds like it qualifies for a consult. Another provider requested Physician B's opinion, he gave his opinion via a letter, and patient returned back to the original physician. If Physician B had taken over care at the initial visit, it would be considered a "Transfer of Care", not a consult, and Physician B should have billed out a New Patient code instead of a Consult (I'm assuming this is in a clinical setting, not inpatient).

Hope this helps!