Wiki consultations written or verbal


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we are having a lively discussion in my office regarding whether conultations from a PCP to a specialist must be written or verbal.

This is not for a medicare patient as we do realize MDC does not recognize consults.

Can anyone give me a link or explain the logic as to whether a consult must be written or can be verbal or written.

There is a lunch riding on this!
we are having a lively discussion in my office regarding whether conultations from a PCP to a specialist must be written or verbal.

This is not for a medicare patient as we do realize MDC does not recognize consults.

Can anyone give me a link or explain the logic as to whether a consult must be written or can be verbal or written.

There is a lunch riding on this!

Surprisingly, Medicare does have guidance regarding this...see the 6th/7th bullet on page 5:

Hope you aren't on the losing end of this!! :)