Wiki Consultation inclided in GLobal surgery package


Local Chapter Officer
Humble, TX
Best answers
I have a question about the global surgery package. Let's say the patient had a diagnosis of breast cancer and Dr Smith performed the surgery and the patient comes in 2 weeks after surgery for a consultation for chemo with Dr Jones who has the same tax id # as Dr Smith, the dx of breast cancer is billed for Chemo Consult. Should the Chemo Consultation visit be considered included in the global surgery package or can it be billed seperately?
Is Dr. Smith a surgeon? or Oncologist

Dr. Jones is obviously an Oncologist and a consultation code may be appropriate for the visit with a 24 or possibly an established E/M with a 55 modifier as the Oncologist will be treating with chemotherapy.

More information and research is needed.
I work for an Oncologist Group, and if one of our general surgeons do the surgery, and the patient is seen by one of our medical oncologists, we most certainly will bill a consult (non medicare pt) with a modifier 24, because we are under the same tax id#, but are two different specialities. The post visit is being requested by the sugeon, for the patient to be seen by the oncologist.

thats what we do here in our practice.

hope that helps.