Wiki consultation codes


Traverse City, MI
Best answers
Is CMS allowing us to use the 99251-99255 for consultations again? In the 2014 Ingenix book they are listed with nothing noting they are now covered by CMS. I am retiring from my practice and I need to teach the docs what has changed with E/M...

Can anyone show me the verbage that CMS does not allow consultation billing? I will continue to look online also. Thank you!
Consultation Codes are legitimate codes

The consultation codes (both inpatient and outpatient) are legitimate codes and can be used for a wide variety of payers.

Medicare will not accept/pay for these codes however.
Some other carriers have decided to follow CMS guidelines and also refuse to pay for these codes.

Our billing software alerts the coders when a carrier does not accept the consult codes, so that the coders can make the appropriate decision, based on documentation, as to which code/level to use.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC