Wiki Consultation Codes Criteria?


Bronx, NY
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When a PCP sends us a written referral for a dermatology evaluation of a lesion, and all we send back to the PCP is a copy of our documentation after seeing/evaluating/treating the patient, is that enough to code a consultation code or does our doctor must write a letter?
I was always instructed that this should be a a formal letter format. Therefore we had a standard letter form with an intro paragraph that said thank you for requesting our service and such, and then a line that stated something like the attached document is a record of our encounter with you patient. Then we had a closing paragraph that was a cut and paste of the finds/recommendations. It worked well for us.
I was always instructed that this should be a a formal letter format. Therefore we had a standard letter form with an intro paragraph that said thank you for requesting our service and such, and then a line that stated something like the attached document is a record of our encounter with you patient. Then we had a closing paragraph that was a cut and paste of the finds/recommendations. It worked well for us.

Actually the provider always writes a sentence in front of the cover of the documentation saying something along the lines of "thank you for referring patient to us, please see enclosed documentation of our findings"

Is that enough alone?