Wiki Consultation and minor surgery same day


New Albany, IN
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Hoping some one can help!!

Situation: Provider consulted on a patient in hospital for vomiting blood. Patient was stable at time of consult. Provider waited for patient's hgb and labs to come back and decided to perform an EGD due to possible GI bleed. Labs were the indication for procedure at that time. EGD did not show any active bleeding, but duodenal ulcer and old blood in somach, provider ordered for the patient to be transfused. Within 3 hours, patient started to show BRBPR. Provider brought patient back into the OR, and another EGD was performed which showed bleeding duodenal ulcer and then every thing went south. How can I bill the consult along w/the two EGD's? Many times my providers may perform minor surgery EGD or consultation on the same day of service on Inpatient or obs patient. How do I bill Consults in hospital and minor surgeries same day?

Any advice is appreciated along with any documention or websites!!! :)