Wiki Consult W/I the Global Period


Medina, OH
Best answers
Hello all,

How should we be reporting this -
Dr. Surgeon and Dr. Consult are in the same group. Dr. Consult bills consult codes within the global period for the same diagnosis treated by Dr. Surgeon. For some reason, the second, third, fourth, etc (established pt visits) completed by Dr. Consult are getting the 99024 but the original consults are being reported.

Auditing Globals
Are they the same specialty? If they are there should more than likely be nothing billed since they are seen as the same person and it is the same problem.

If they are different specialties I can see where the consult could be correct but the fact that the subsequent visits are 99024 sound to me like a transfer of care. In that case you should really be splitting out the surgical charges, surgeon does procedure with a 54 and the 2nd provider bills the procedure with a 55 modifier.

Laura, CPC, CEMC