Wiki Consult, F/U, SX?


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Hi Everyone,

I have a patient that I'm not 100% sure how to code this. Our physicians saw the patient in the ER for a hip fracture. The patient was admitted and we saw her every day from 6/4/11 - 6/12/11 because she was not fit for surgery until the 13th. How should I bill this since we knew she would need surgery after the first consult on 6/4??

Any advice is appreciated.

Is your physician the one who performed the surgery?
If yes then, if the patient was admited as inpatient then it should be 99231-99233 except the day before the surgery and the day of surgery. Those visits are going to be bundled with the surgery, I understand it was a major one - right?
If your physician did not perform the surgery, then all those visits will be 99231-99233 for an inpatient.
For Obs status you will use 99224-99226 instead of 99231-99233.

Hope I was able to help.

Sofia MS, CPC
Thank you very much! Yes my physician is the one who performed the surgery. Its just a lot of follow up, visits that we dont normally have prior to surgery.