Wiki Consult at 7PM and Admitted to ICU at AM


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If we have a provider who performed a consult in the ER at 7PM and then was the admitting provider overnight and admitted the patient to the ICU at 1AM, can they bill both the consult and critical care code since they were two different calendar days?
So the patient was admitted to inpatient by the consulting physician?
Did the patient originally get admitted and had a condition change at 1:00 am?

Without seeing notes a provider could charge a consult but if they admitted then it would be an admission to inpatient if they took over the care. Also, they could charge critical from the beginning if the patient was in critical condition. (A patient does not have to be in ICU to charge critical care.)
From reading your question? A provider can charge an admission and at 1:00 a.m. can charge a critical care if the patient's condition changed for the worse.- your coding will reflect the condition change and use time to determine your critical care codes.
They can bill the consult in the ED for the 7 PM visit as well as the critical care on the following day. Two dates of service allow you do to this, and don't get hung up on the "admission" verbiage. The 7PM visit will either be billed as a consultation code (if the payer allows), or an ED visit, since they're not yet admitted (I'm assuming that this happened overnight), and you have to reflect the POS at the time of the face to face encounter. As far as you know at that're consulting in the ED.

However, unless further critical care is provided by the MD on day two, there may be no additional E&M visits provided by that physician that second day.