Wiki Confused about E/M Codes


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Does anyone know of some sort of comprehensive guide about how to figure out E/M codes, in particular, office visits and emergency rooms? I have bought Practicode and I frankly don't know or understand the criteria for coding, say, an ER visit. So far I've been guessing and that's just not acceptable (I'm wrong most of the time anyway). There must be some sort of objective guide for coders, especially new coders. My text books do not go deeply enough into the criteria, which is unfortunate. What's also unfortunate is that I don't know any professional coders, otherwise I'd simply ask them.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!!
Does anyone know of some sort of comprehensive guide about how to figure out E/M codes, in particular, office visits and emergency rooms? I have bought Practicode and I frankly don't know or understand the criteria for coding, say, an ER visit. So far I've been guessing and that's just not acceptable (I'm wrong most of the time anyway). There must be some sort of objective guide for coders, especially new coders. My text books do not go deeply enough into the criteria, which is unfortunate. What's also unfortunate is that I don't know any professional coders, otherwise I'd simply ask them.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

I found E/M University to be helpful when I first start with E/M coding:

This one is pretty good too:
I recently purchased a book published by the AMA written by Stephen Levinson, MD called Practical E/M: Documentation and Coding Solutions for Quality Patient Care. I found it on Amazon and it wasn't terribly expensive. It is written by a physician for physicians but I have found it to be easy to understand and quite helpful.
I bought it!!

Hi Amanda,

Thanks for the suggestion. I acted on it and now the book is winging its way to me. :)


E/m coding table for ed coding

Hello I'm learning E/M coding from the facility side. Is there an E/M table for ED coding? Mainly codes 99281-99285? Thanks a lot

Hello I'm learning E/M coding from the facility side. Is there an E/M table for ED coding? Mainly codes 99281-99285? Thanks a lot


There is no standard set of guidelines for facility E&M levels. You do not use physician guidelines, each facility is suppose to have their own set of guidelines for the faculty level. There is an old transmittal from CMS that gives a list of rules that the facility guidelines need to follow, but each facility can have different guidelines to determine their particular levels of service.