Wiki Confused about DM


East Orange, NJ
Best answers
I'm a bit confused on this one and was hoping someone could help me out, please. One of my Drs. assessed a patient with 2 different DM codes today; is that possible? I work for a family practice, and they like throwing in some new diagnoses to either throw me off or confuse me .. this one did it to me today. The pt's Dx are:250.22; 272.2; 250.00 and 401.1.

Thank you in advance for your help!

you cannot use a code to indicated diabetes with a complication and diabetes with no complication at the same time, also you cannot state it is stated as out of control and then have a code that says it is not stated as out of control. So the big question is what was documented and then chose the codes for that , since it cannot be documented as outof control and then not stated at the same time and it cannot be documented as having a complication and then not having one at the same time. You must read the note to determine the correct codes.
Thank you so much Debra for your quick reply. That's what I was thinking, but I also wasn't sure I was over-thinking. (am I making any sense?)