Wiki Conditions Classified to


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Please define what this means......."conditions classified to" in ICD-9. Let's say dx: 648.93 and it has "conditions classified to" and a set of codes under. I was taught one thing and am now being told another......PLEASE HELP!!!!!:confused:
Think of it this way - if the patient were NOT pregnant, what ICD-9 code would you give the condition? I use diabetes as an example - you will note that the subcategory 648.0x states "conditions classifiable to 249, 250." So, if this patient with diabetes (for ease say type II, controlled) was NOT pregnant, you would code it as 250.00. But since the documentation states the diabetes is a condidtion that is complicating the pregnancy, you would code 648.0x as well as the 250.00 (see the note at the top of the subcategory stating to use additional code to identify the condition.)

Does it make a little more sense now? :)
Thanks so much, I think I do understand. So if I use 648.9, does that mean that only those conditions listed under that code are to be used with 648.9?