Wiki concious sedation


Stockton, CA
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Good morning everyone, I have an ER where my Dr. did multiple reductions (2) and then the orthopedist came and assit my DR with the (3rd) all were successful it just kept popping out after on 2 of these they used concious sedation so do I add the times? 1 was 15:25-15:35 the 2nd 16:51-16:59 or is it x2 any and all help is appreciated..alice
To use any of the 30 minute conscious sedation codes (eg. 99143) the time has to be a minum of 16 minutes total, also the additional 15 min time codes (eg. +99145) there has to be minum of 8 min to use these codes. To check the accuracy of your documentation read page 531 in your CPT book, you will find the guidelines necessary to be met for sedation.
So your 1st was only 10 min, the 2nd was only 8 min. you can not code either of these, unless, you find within your documentation that you can meet the requirements of the guidelines. hope this helps some.