Wiki conceived on Clomid


Cape Girardeau, Missouri
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Our patient comes in after having conceived on Clomid fertility drug. Could this be coded with a high risk diagnosis of V23.85 Supervision of a pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive technology? I see the example is in vitro fertilization, but thought this might also work for the fertility drug. If not, is there a more appropriate dx?

Lisa Gaines, CPC-A
I did a search on 'assisted reproductive technology" to find a definition. What I did find was a web site for Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. Here is how their site defines ART.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) includes in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), and frozen embryo transfer (FET). These techniques also apply to oocyte donation and gestational carriers. Approximately 99 percent of ART cycles performed are IVF-ET. IVF-ET has helped many couples conceive successfully. ART may be recommended when other treatments (such as intrauterine insemination) have not been successful or when there is severe male factor infertility, severe endometriosis or tubal obstruction.

Based on this definition, I would say that taking Clomid does not qualify as ART. Clomid is used to stimulate ovulation. Patients can become pregnant without further intervention.