Wiki Comprehensive eye examination

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Hello, looking for some clarification on this. For an eye examination to qualify as a Comprehensive exam (92004/92014) is it required that all the elements be completed on both eyes?
hi, I am not an expert but I do code eye exams. I was not told to look for this criteria- mandetory both eyes. My understanding that if only 1 eye was done for some reason, that would count also. Total 13 elements for comprehensive exam.
92004 requires 12 exam elements. 92014 requires 8 exam elements. If you can't do an element due to a patient's physical problems, document that you attempted to do the element but were unable to do so due to the condition. Foe example: Attempted Goldman tonometry. Unable to obtain valid reading due to patient movement from Parkinson's.
92004 requires 12 exam elements. 92014 requires 8 exam elements. If you can't do an element due to a patient's physical problems, document that you attempted to do the element but were unable to do so due to the condition. Foe example: Attempted Goldman tonometry. Unable to obtain valid reading due to patient movement from Parkinson's.
Very interesting (12 elements). Again, I am not an expert but I was given guidance to count 13 where " The difference between a Detailed and a Comprehensive exam is the addition of the 13the element, the documentation of orientation to time, place , person and mood and affect' must be documented." That's all what I have available to add.
I know you can only bill CPT 92004 for the eye as body set. Not use this CPT code for a left and one for right eye. If CPT 92004 RT eye and 92004 LT eye both billed same claim it will get denied or even if use modifier 50. Just a FYI
I hope this helps someone :)
Lady T