Wiki Compliance Question/Employment Issue


Tallassee, TN
Best answers
I have an employee who is resigning and the new entity wants my company to provide 25 client charts for review. The employee was employed with them prior to us and is now returning to them. Has anyone heard of this being requested?
I'm not sure I understand your question, so let me take a stab. You had an employee who worked previously for an auditing firm, left and came to work for you, and now is returning to the auditing firm? And now the firm wants a 25-chart review? You're concerned because the employee may perhaps influence the audit?

You can request that the auditing firm not utilize your former employee as an auditor during their engagement with your company. You are well within your rights to do so. I have requested that auditing firms only use auditors with certain credentials, and specific years experience.

If I have this all wrong, let me know.