Wiki compliance - my CPC exam is by the end of May


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Hello all,

my CPC exam is by the end of May ....

i was wondering about the compliance & regularity section ...... what resources i should use for this section? i have AAPC study guide ...... but there are only few pages talking about compliance & regularity...

any suggestion?

i would really appreciate any help

Thank you
all test takers receive a different 150 question test. When I sat for the exam, there were no compliance questions on my exam. that is not to say that someone else had questions related to this topic. But in my honest opinion, I would not concern yourself with compliance questions. that is more so the CPCO credential exam... which i am considering going for...
CPC Exam

I also didn't have any compliance questions on my exam. I would like to give you a tip though. The exam is weighted and the harder questions are worth more points. I would save the administrative questions for last and get as many of the coding questions done because if you run out of time you can guess on the administrative questions and won't lose as much points than if you have to guess on the coding questions. Try to answer every question. Good luck!!!

Kristy Armstrong, CPC