Wiki Complexity of Data


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Can someone clarify:

If doctor imports lab & radiology findings into report but does not specifically indicated with a statement that it was reviewed, can this be given points?

My understanding of the guidelines is that there has to be a statement indicating it was reviewed, so my thinking is no points, but need clarification.

Thank you.
I believe the providers are to make a comment like they have reviewed the report and agree with the findings. Or labs are credited only if they state labs reviewed, stable.

Can someone clarify:

If doctor imports lab & radiology findings into report but does not specifically indicated with a statement that it was reviewed, can this be given points?

My understanding of the guidelines is that there has to be a statement indicating it was reviewed, so my thinking is no points, but need clarification.

Thank you.

We give them the credit for the review of the lab/x-ray as reviewed. If they want the 2 points instead for personal review, then they need to document that they personally reviewed the x-ray, ekg, etc and then must give there own interpretation of what they saw.