We excised a lipoma (ie: soft tissue excision 24075), and wanted to bill a complex repair (13120) with it, but the repair is bundling.
What's strange is that the CPT book states that the excision includes simple and intermediate repair, and explicitly states that it "may require a complex repair, which should be reported separately." Yet the CCI edits bundle 24075 and 13120, and for a reason I've never seen before: "Standards of medical / surgical practice." What does that mean? Why would the repair not be within standards of practice?
What's strange is that the CPT book states that the excision includes simple and intermediate repair, and explicitly states that it "may require a complex repair, which should be reported separately." Yet the CCI edits bundle 24075 and 13120, and for a reason I've never seen before: "Standards of medical / surgical practice." What does that mean? Why would the repair not be within standards of practice?