Wiki Complex removal of FB


Perryville, MO
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Hi I am a fairly new ER coder and have a quick question. The ER phys took the patient to Radiology to remove a FB under fluroscopic gudiance. There was an incision made and he has documented complex. I believe 10121 is the appropriate code. My question is can we bill for the fluoro? I appreciate any help. :)
what about using an unlisted code 76496 - you may have to justify with payer to get paid - but there are no cci edits against using with the fb removal -also if fb removed where & is there a code in that anatomic site in the cpt ex. foot,arm etc.
Thank you so much. The FB(metal) is actually the axilla so I think I am safe in coding 10121 since the phys documented complex and made an incision. Appreciate it.
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