Wiki Community acquired pneumonia


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Can someone tell me how they would code community acquired pneumonia? Is this just coded to 486?
Community Acquired Pneumonia...

If the organism is specified, you can go ahead and find that code...if not, then 486 would be your code of choice.

Sometimes they make the diagnosis sooooo vague...

Joyce :)
Yes they do! I feel like the only code that I ever use for pneumonia is 486. I guess I was beginning to think that I was overlooking something when I was choosing my code. I felt like I was the one not being specific enough.

Thanks for your help.
Community Acquired Pneumonia

You are welcome! Ironically, when I went home last night and worked on my other coding, there was one for Community Acquired Pneumonia - they did specify that it was MRSA...but...I thought of you :)

Have a great day!

Happy New Year!

Joyce :)