Wiki Commercial Carrier denial of 96521

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I work for a large Hematology/Oncology group and we are seeing denials from the major commercial carriers for CPT 96521. It is being billed with 96411,96413,96417, 96366,96367,96375 depending on the patient. The -59 modifier is added. UHC is denying the 96521-59 as included in the allowance for another service. However, it will deny without the modifier. Any ideas? Thanks!
We have been having the same problem. I'm guessing it's the same company. :)

The modifier is appropriate assuming the documentation supports the refill/maintenance of the pump as distinct from the other procedures. Without the modifier, the code 96521 should deny. (see the NCCI edits

Based on this, what you (and I) are billing should pay, but we are at the mercy of these companies to follow the rules.

I have had limited success appealing these denials. I have been submitting supporting documentation that includes:
- a cleaned copy of a Medicare EOB showing payment for an identical claim
- a printout of section 30.5 of Chapter 12 of the Medicare Claims Processing Manual
- an article from Medicare Quarterly Provider compliance Newsletter from Feb 2011 called "Recovery Audit Finding: Chemotherapy Administration and Non-chemotherapy Injections and Infusions - Incorrect Coding"

I also have included a letter outlining the description and use of the codes in question. My success rate on getting the codes paid is probably around 70%. I think it depends on who is reviewing the appeal at the insurance company.

good luck!