Wiki Colonoscopy with EGD - I may have an answer


Hillsboro, OR
Best answers
I may have an answer on this, but would like to confirm my answers. The Scenario: Colonoscopy snare polypectomy in the ascending colon, then a biopsy in the sigmoid colon. Also, a Diagnostic EGD. All same physician, same session. Any thoughts?:)
I may have an answer on this, but would like to confirm my answers. The Scenario: Colonoscopy snare polypectomy in the ascending colon, then a biopsy in the sigmoid colon. Also, a Diagnostic EGD. All same physician, same session. Any thoughts?:)

45385 (Code to the furthest extent of the procedure)

Colonoscopy with EGD

Thank you. I like your solution, and it may get a quicker payment. But the C-scopy snare is in the ascending colon and the biopsy is in the sigmoid colon. Separate parts of the colon. Then add the EGD. So....


Any thoughts?
I'm not sure that the location of the biopsies and polyps matters as much as the method - the code I mentioned is only for snare technique, so if the biopsy wasn't taken that way, then my first answer won't work...and now I'm not around my codebooks, so I can't offer much else on the subject at the moment... :)
Colonoscopy, Medicare, G0121

You are right. The EGD was diagnostic. I feel that has to be coded in addition to the Colonoscopy. Do you agree?:)
If the biopsy was done with seperate technique and on a seperate lesion then the apporopriate coding would be as follows:

I agree with bridobgastro, the biopsy and the snare were in two separate locations and by name and nature two separate techniques, so they are both separately billable. An EGD is always billable when done in the same session as a colonoscopy, because they are by nature two very distinct procedures. I code these all the time. The codes would be exactly as bridobgastro said. :0)