Wiki Colonoscopy to rule as GI Bleed


Elkview, WV
Best answers
If a patient has a EGD and colonoscopy for unspecified anemia to check for GI bleed and the pre-op diagnosis is anemia and the post-op diagnosis is
esophagitis, history of GERD, hiatal hernia and colon polyps with no evidence of GI bleeding. What would be the primary diagnosis?
If a patient has a EGD and colonoscopy for unspecified anemia to check for GI bleed and the pre-op diagnosis is anemia and the post-op diagnosis is
esophagitis, history of GERD, hiatal hernia and colon polyps with no evidence of GI bleeding. What would be the primary diagnosis?

I would code 1. Esophagitis, 2. Colon Polyps (which becomes primary if bx done) 3. Hiatal hernia, 4 anemia.

Hope that helps
If a patient has a EGD and colonoscopy for unspecified anemia to check for GI bleed and the pre-op diagnosis is anemia and the post-op diagnosis is
esophagitis, history of GERD, hiatal hernia and colon polyps with no evidence of GI bleeding. What would be the primary diagnosis?

I agree that for the scope the polyps should be primary diagnosis code. Esophagitis for EGD.