Wiki Colonoscopy -screening work done

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I have a patient that went to see her FP for anxiety. During the course of the visit, he noted that she was 50 and hadn't had alot of her screening work done, i.e. colonoscopy. She had had a colonoscopy 12 years prior for colitis but was not complaining of any symptoms and hasn't had another one since. How would you code her colonoscopy? I bill for the facility and coded it as screening with history of colitis, but the GI dr is billing as diagnostic with dx of 556.9 which I disagree with because she hasn't complained of any symptoms and it wasn't the reason the colonoscopy was ordered. thanks.
If the documentation specifically states the reason for the colonoscopy was for screening because she was over 50, than yes you are correct. Was this colonoscopy normal? Perhaps the colitis is back? If not, I would code V76.51. I wouldn't even include colitis as it no longer exists. The only reason you would want to include the "history of" code is if it inpacts the current care or influences the treatment. Hope this helps.