Wiki Colonoscopy Consultations

Knox, IN
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What diagnosis code would you attach to the consult E/M code for a screening colonoscopy? Is the V code accepted? The consult is performed in the office as part of the evaluation of the patient to determine what needs to be performed and the colonoscopy is scheduled at a later date.
the V code used depends on the reason for the screening. Does the pt have a personal h/o colon cancer or is there family hx?
I am just wanting to clarify if you can bill a 99203 with a V76.51. This would be the first visit to the specialist to exam the patient before scheduling the colonoscopy. We had an insurance company deny due to the diagnosis code. The patient had no symptoms to code.

Many payers do not reimburse for an office visit prior to the screening colonoscopy. The ICD-10 CM guidelines state that you only code the screening diagnosis code for the actual screening procedure. Perhaps they are applying that guideline prior to the oct 1 start.