Wiki Colonoscopy Coding - 2 different days


Manhattan, KS
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Dr D performed an Inpatient colonoscopy w/BX on 1/30. Patient was DC'd and went home and started to have significant bleeding (melena). Patient returned to the hospital the next day and was admitted by a different physician who then had Dr D perform another colonoscopy to check for any perforation on 1/31. Is there any way to code the 2 scopes and get reimbursed for both? Any Mod's I can use? I was looking at the 70's mod's..Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

It's hard to give good advice when we don't know what codes you are asking about. I am assuming a 45380 was done on day #1. This has a 000 global period, so a modifier is not needed for the 2nd day.

Check your global periods and/or share what codes you are needing reviewed before we can advice you advice on modifiers to use.
I apologize. I don't use the forums very often. The code on the first day was 45380 and the 2nd was 45378. I see the global now. I will bill. Thank you