Wiki Colon Mass-Coding


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I have an E/M card that states "Colon Mass". (thats all the info I have) There is disagreement on the code. I feel that the code should be 569.9 and others feel it should be 239.0. Please clearify
Colon mass

I have an E/M card that states "Colon Mass". (thats all the info I have) There is disagreement on the code. I feel that the code should be 569.9 and others feel it should be 239.0. Please clearify

You definitely would NOT use 239.0 as that relates to a neoplasm. A mass is not necessarily neoplastic, it may just be swelling. 569.9, although rather vague, is appropriate.
Another option is 789.3* but the fifth digit choice is difficult because you don't know where in the colon the mass is located.
Hope this helps
Without a pathology report specifically stating that the mass is a neoplasm of unspecified nature you can NOT call it that. That is a daignosis that only a pathologist can make.

How about 569.9 unspecified disorder of intestine?
thats what I used was the 569.9. all directions seemed to point in that direction. The 789.3* dosent seem to fit because its not really in the abd or pelvic region.
238.x Neoplasm of uncertain behavior is a dx rendered by pathology indicating cells of uncertain morphology.
239.x neoplasm unspecified is a "working" diagnosis that can be used after a preliminary diagnostic workup has been performed indicating a tumor. A tumor is a neoplastic process that has not been identified as of yet. So if you have a preliminary workup and the provider knows the mass is not a cyst or an abcess and state it is a tumor and further workup will be performed, then you may use 239.x.
If you look up mass in your ICD-9 it instructs you to see disease of specified organ for all organs not listed - disease of the colon is 569.9. You don't need any other info to code that at this point.
I strongly disagree just because an E/M card says colon mass does not mean this is what is documented in the chart note. We should never bill out codes we do not first verify with the documentation.
question regarding right colon mass ICD-9 Code

if a patient presents to our clinic.. with confirmed colon cancer... when doing her hemicolectomy.. her Dx: code would be from the neoplasm table even though the op report states Dx is a mass, correct?