Wiki Collecting Deductibles at time of service

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I work for a specialist office and our office policy is that we collect any deductibles, co-insurance, and/or co-payment at the time of service. I had a parent of a patient tell me she was advised by Harvard Pilgrim that it is illegal in Massachusetts to collect anything other than the co-payment at the time of service. In the past we have had this issue with the same insurance company and I told them if they could provide this information in writing we would be more than happy to change our office policy, but they never can come up with any written proof that we are not allowed to collect it at the time of service. I looked online and am unable to find an answer to my question. So I was wondering if someone has encountered this is their office and also if they know if it is illegal to collect anything other than the copay at the time of service. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Harvard Pilgrim Deductibles/Coins

We are a specialist office as well and have heard the same response. We checked with our atty and unless they provide us with written instructions stating its against our contract to collect for deductible.coins at time of service we can continue.

Good luck.
I don't work for HP so cant comment on what they are talking about but i do work for another Massachusetts payer. I have not heard of any changes in laws prohibiting collecting deductibles or co-insurance at time of service.
I work for a dermatologist in Michigan and have found that the guidelines are payer specific. Health Alliance Plan and Cofinity are the only payers I have found so far that prohibit us from collecting deductibles/coinsurance up front.