Wiki CoInsurance "Cheat Sheet"


Morehead, KY
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Have any of your office implemented a "cheat sheet" for the front desk staff for POS Collections? We are currently implementing a sheet for the front desk to know what to collect if the patient has not met their deductible. Would love any input...Thanks
I put together a copay sheet every day for both my front desk and my back desk. On the front desk, it has a column with their normal copay, and a column with their balance. If I want them to collect anything else, I put the info in the notes column. It takes me less than 15 minutes to do this every day, and it is well worth it. For the back desk, they get the same sheet (because people will complain to the doctor that we are making them "pay cash for everything", and I want the MA to be able to respond to that accusation), and they may get some additional notes about a patient.