Wiki Coding vaccines during pregnancy


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If patient is pregnant and sees regular doctor not her OB/GYN for a flu vaccine only, would I use a preventative E&M code for visit and V70.0 as primary &
V22.2 as secondary and does doctor need to document encounter is incidental to pregnancy.
If you're only providing the flu shot, code only the appropriate flu code (9068x), with the appropriate injection administration code (904xx) with the V04.81 and V22.2. You would not code out a separately billable E&M unless the patient had other significant concerns unrelated to pregnancy.
Thank you Pam. Can I code V22.2 without provider documenting encounter is incidental to pregnancy, per ICD-9 guidelines it states
" Should the provider document
that the pregnancy is incidental to the encounter, then code
V22.2 should be used in place of any chapter 11 codes. It is
the provider?s responsibility to state that the condition being
treated is not affecting the pregnancy".
Yes the provider must document that the pregnancy is incidental to the reason for the encounter before it can be coded with the V22.2 code. Otherwise you must select a chapter 11 code or a supervision of pregnancy code. Why did you patient need a flu shot at this particular time?