Wiki Coding Splint with lacerations and I&D


Coal Township, PA
Best answers
Patient came into ER with laceration of the thumb. The ER doc repaired the laceration the then applied a finger splint. Is it apprpriate to code the laceration repair along with the finger splint or is the splint included in the laceration cpt code?

Also can I code a splint application with an I&D for same location? :confused:
can I code a splint application with an I&D for same location?

can I code a splint application with an I&D for same location?
CPT guidelines state when applying casts/splints when surgical treatment is involved on the same DOS, they bundle and are not reportable separately.

Not sure why a splint is needed with an I&D (not to say that it can't), that does not seem to be restorative care. I would need to know what body part to check the CPT codes to verify. More information is needed for that question.