Wiki Coding special stains 88312 & 88313


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I am trying to resolve a conflict between a client and other coders regarding the billing of special stains 88312 & 88313.

What is the proper coding for the following? Is it 88313 X 2 or 88313 X 8, 88313-59 X 6?

Movat stains (A4, A6, A8-A9, B3-B5, B7-B10, B23-B14) were performed for the evaluation of the small airways....

What is the proper coding for the following? Is it 88312 X 3 or 88312 X 6?

GMS, Gram and Ziehl Neelsen stains (A4, A6) were performed for the evaluation of bacterial & fungal organisms...

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

edna denton
Hi Edna,

Unit of service on these depends on whether the specimen is from a surgical pathology block, cytological specimen, or hematologic smear (see CPT description). You need to determine the specimen source first, to determine whether you can count each stain only once per specimen, or once per block.

Movat stains are classified to Group II 88313.

GMS, Gram, and Ziehl-Neelsen AFB (or just AFB, acid-fast bacterium) are classified to Group I 88312.

If you need a stain chart to help you with what stains fall into which categories (Group I or II, IHC, etc.) let me know and I can point you to one that I found helpful.

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I know how to put the stains in the correct category.

This is a surgical case.

Specimen A: Rt Lung
Specimen B: Lt Lung

88313s were performed on the following blocks: A4, A6, A8-A9, B3-B5, B7-B10, B23-B14

Special stains for organisms (88312 x 3) were performed on the following blocks: A4, A6

So how many 88313s and 88312s can we bill?
Stain Chart, yes please!

Hi Edna,

Unit of service on these depends on whether the specimen is from a surgical pathology block, cytological specimen, or hematologic smear (see CPT description). You need to determine the specimen source first, to determine whether you can count each stain only once per specimen, or once per block.

Movat stains are classified to Group II 88313.

GMS, Gram, and Ziehl-Neelsen AFB (or just AFB, acid-fast bacterium) are classified to Group I 88312.

If you need a stain chart to help you with what stains fall into which categories (Group I or II, IHC, etc.) let me know and I can point you to one that I found helpful.



I would be interested in the stain chart you refer to above.

Thank you!

I am new to surgical pathology and would greatly appreciate any informational charts/sites you could point me too.

Thank you in advance.
In reply for the offer of a chart I would be so very interested also! Anything to help get the job done correctly I am in for! Thank you so much!
The actual concept for billing special stains we have to consider blocks in pathology coding.

GMS, Gram, and Ziehl-Neelsen AFB (or just AFB, acid-fast bacterium) are classified to Group I 88312.

Answer: 88312 X 6

Movat stains (A4, A6, A8-A9, B3-B5, B7-B10, B23-B14) were performed for the evaluation of the small airways....

Here i am havinfg doubt on block (B23-14) is this typing wrongly or it is actually (B14-B23).

Answer: 88313 X 21 by considering block (B14-B23)
Hi Edna,

Unit of service on these depends on whether the specimen is from a surgical pathology block, cytological specimen, or hematologic smear (see CPT description). You need to determine the specimen source first, to determine whether you can count each stain only once per specimen, or once per block.

Movat stains are classified to Group II 88313.

GMS, Gram, and Ziehl-Neelsen AFB (or just AFB, acid-fast bacterium) are classified to Group I 88312.

If you need a stain chart to help you with what stains fall into which categories (Group I or II, IHC, etc.) let me know and I can point you to one that I found helpful.

I would also like a copy of the chart.
Hi Edna,

Unit of service on these depends on whether the specimen is from a surgical pathology block, cytological specimen, or hematologic smear (see CPT description). You need to determine the specimen source first, to determine whether you can count each stain only once per specimen, or once per block.

Movat stains are classified to Group II 88313.

GMS, Gram, and Ziehl-Neelsen AFB (or just AFB, acid-fast bacterium) are classified to Group I 88312.

If you need a stain chart to help you with what stains fall into which categories (Group I or II, IHC, etc.) let me know and I can point you to one that I found helpful.

It would be great if you could share the stain chart. Thanks a lot
Hi Edna,

Unit of service on these depends on whether the specimen is from a surgical pathology block, cytological specimen, or hematologic smear (see CPT description). You need to determine the specimen source first, to determine whether you can count each stain only once per specimen, or once per block.

Movat stains are classified to Group II 88313.

GMS, Gram, and Ziehl-Neelsen AFB (or just AFB, acid-fast bacterium) are classified to Group I 88312.

If you need a stain chart to help you with what stains fall into which categories (Group I or II, IHC, etc.) let me know and I can point you to one that I found helpful.

I would love access to the stain chart you mention above. Please advise.

I just started working in pathology and would love to get a copy of the stain chart mentioned in this thread.

The actual concept for billing special stains we have to consider blocks in pathology coding.

Answer: 88312 X 6

Here i am havinfg doubt on block (B23-14) is this typing wrongly or it is actually (B14-B23).

Answer: 88313 X 21 by considering block (B14-B23)
Hi Ramesh2018,
I was wondering about the B23-B14 blocks. Typically when you read the pathology report left to right the blocks are usually in consecutive order from beginning to end. I am almost wondering out loud if it is a typo B13-B14. But I would query on this nonetheless.
What about medical necessity? There has been several stains (same one) applied to several blocks and I don’t see any disclaimer on why this was performed to support billing these charges. I would typically see something like “multiple blocks were addressed to rule in, rule out, due to complexity of case performed…”. There are several posts but I haven’t seen that.
In surgical pathology, the unit of service for special stains is per block, so if the movat stain is performed on all the blocks you noted (I think the last is B23-B24, not B14) you would code Group II Special Stains as 88313x8, 88313-59x5 (total 13 blocks) and Group I Special Stain as 88312x6 (3 stains on 2 blocks).