Wiki Coding resolve problem for new patient visit


Fountain Inn, SC
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Patient(pediatric) was referred to my office as new patient for swollen scrotum and once the patient was seen the problem was resolved. My provider used Z71.1; which is not a supportive DX code for insurance.

Do anyone have any suggestion for what ICD-10 code to use?
You should code the condition for which the patient sought treatment - in this case N50.89. A symptom does not have to be actively occurring while the patient is in the office in order for the provider to evaluate it. As per the guidelines, if a definitive diagnosis is not made, you report the symptoms.
Hello - I am a little late to the party on this one, but I am struggling as to know when to choose Z71.1 or a sign/symptom code. Is the above example because it was a referral? So what about a patient who goes to the doctor (without a referral) because they have (or think they have) X but the doctor can find no evidence of X.

Thank you :)