Wiki coding question???

cerebrovascular disease NOS - 437.9
stroke (cerebral artery occlusion, unspecified) - 434.9x
initial treatment or not

Coding a stroke for initial treatment you could use one of the 434 codes as suggested depending on what your documentation states exactly...there are several codes in this area that you can look at to see what matches your documentation. Also if this is not an initial treatment and the patient is just in the physicians office for a follow up from a stroke that has no residual or late effects, then you should use V12.54, however, if the patient has late effects such as hemiplegia, you need to look at the 438 section of codes and assign the appropriate code for the residual effect. Never use the late effect codes and the V12.54 codes together. Hope this helps some.
You question clearly states that the patient had stroke (we dont know is this is acute or old) so code 437.9 or get clarified with physician is stroke is acute or old.