Wiki coding question - Cann someone please help me with coding


Hayden, ID
Best answers
Cann someone please help me with coding for a " Left Posterior Fossa Craniectomy and Microvascular Decomprssion of the vertebral artery away form the 7th and 8th cranial nerves"? This procedure is being done for a left hemifacial spasm which correlates w an ectatic left distal vertebral artery whcih does appear to impinge with the inferior aspect of the 7th adn 8th cranial nerve complex.

Thank you so much for your help with this.
For this procedure, I would code:

61460: Craniectomy, suboccipital; for exploration or decompression of cranial nerves; for section of 1 or more cranial nerves since this was the 7th and 8th cranial nerve.

I hope this helps :)
It really not possible to suggest a procedure code without a copy of the procedural note. Many times what a provider documents as the procedure title turns out to be different when you read the actual note.
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I was simply giving her a starting point. This will lead her in the direction that she needs to be in. I was simply telling her where she should start to look for her code :) By all means we never code anything without an operative report, however the snip that she sent on her post lead to the code posted. Thank you for your response :)